
The Entangled Trinity: Quantum Physics and Theology is unavailable, but you can change that!

Studying the Trinity is an exercise in wonder. The doctrine of the Trinity is drawn from the wonder of our own existence and the diverse experiences of the divine encountered by the early church. From Christianity’s earliest days, theologians have drawn upon the most creative and complex language and understanding available in an attempt to clarify and explain the triune God. But how should we...

The two are superimposed on one divine reality. Finally, the community also experienced, within the community itself, the sustaining spirit, the “Comforter,” the “creative Spirit,” as the ongoing presence of the divine within the midst of the community. This too is an expression of divine entanglement whereby a different experience is called on as the basis for reflection on the divine, another expression of divine relatedness. Yet in all three, origination, incarnation, sanctification, they confessed
Pages 153–154